ACES- Adverse Childhood Experiences can result due to neglect, abuse and other persistent household stressors like alcoholism and domestic violence. It is another integral part of schooling culture that most teachers and administers are looking to tackle.

Every adverse childhood experience faced increases the child’s risk of social and health issues. Those include:
- Depression and decreased cognitive ability
- Poor academic performance
- Poor work performance
- Alcoholism or getting pregnant in their adolescence
- Illicit drug use
As per an Australian character builder program in Australia- “Each of these issues tends to have an adverse impact on their learning, mental/physical health (presently and in their future) and their relationships.”
Surprisingly, 2 out of 3 students experience one disturbing childhood experience. And as per the National Centre For Trauma-Informed Child Care (NCTIC), the need is to provide these students with a safe haven where they will get the support of all their peers and work collectively with other students.
Character building leadership programs serve as a sequential program that provides confidence to these students and challenges them to lead their lives with character.

The aim of these courses is to engage them in meaningful and responsible character building that challenges and promotes their responsibility and development in character awareness. By the completion of their program, students will have gathered a strong sense of self-worth, resilience, capability and readiness to take on new challenges as they move ahead in life.
Take a Look At This Break-Down!
- For 5-Year-Olds: A proper student leadership program in the Sunshine Coast will prepare the core skills such as trusting, communicating, respecting, collaborating and confidence building.
- For 6-Year-Olds: Meaningful activities to prepare their leadership capabilities will be presented to students. With that, teachers will also focus on those primary school core skills such as facilitating, sharing, responsibility, etc.
- For 7-Year-Olds: Core skill development like personal excellence, self-respect, individuality, self-awareness; will all be covered.
- For 8-Year-Olds: Kids will learn here about leadership core skills like peer culture, respective difference, team building training, perfecting interpersonal skills, awareness, etc.
- For 9-Year-Olds: Training on emerging leadership core skills like global awareness, social justice, digital leadership, etc.
- For 10-Year-Olds: Vital career-based aspects like employability, goal setting, vision dreaming, time management, targets and key indicators, organisation, all included as part of these kid’s student leadership program.
- For 11-Year-Olds: Senior-level core skills like- team making, keeping morale high, organising peers include in the lessons.
- For 12-Year-Olds: Lastly, this helps perfect core skills like coordinating, handover, role-modelling, prioritising, personal excellence and facilitating.
The best part about such institutions offering quality student leadership program in the Gold Coast region is they have tie-ups with the top schools.
So, if you know someone who has suffered from child abuse or a disturbing childhood; have a heart and get them enrolled in a proper character building program. The genuine care, enthusiasm and a safe facility will bring a significant difference to their lives.
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